Wanted, Part Time Accounting Tutor to support a group of AAT Foundation, Intermediate & Technician Stage students by Distance Learning and through periodic face to face teaching.
Details of the AAT Education & Training scheme can be found at
- AAT Website
http://www.AATglobal.org - MCG Website
Click ---here--- for the scheme at a glance. [67KB; Word; New window]
The tutor selected will be required to support students
via email (approx 3 hours of work a week) and by two
face-to-face workshops held in the Middle East normally
in Amman, Jordan. The tentative schedule for workshops
in the first half of 2010 is :
End February / early March 2010 (total 5 days)
Group C (12 students) - to review Unit 7 PRAP &
introduce Unit 6 ECR (3 days)
Group B (7 students) - to revise Unit 15 OCMC (2 days)
Mid May 2010 (total 4 days)
Group C (12 students)- to revise unit 6 ECR
current phase will end by July 2010 with a new phase
for AAT Technician Stage study is scheduled to start
in August. This phase is expected to extend for
approximately 16 months and will include 5 workshops
of 4 days each.
Involvement in the Technician Stage of study will be
offered to the same tutor if they have shown that they
are competent and committed to the project
Both students and tutor are provided with a full set of comprehensive study material. Each chapter of the study material includes exercises / case studies / activities. The answers are in the book and students are encouraged to self check their work and if necessary ask the tutor for an explanation.
Students have supervisors on site as the first line of reference but tend to contact the Tutor by email (especially after a Workshop) for feedback. The major role of the Tutor is therefore to run the Workshops - introduce accounting units through direct teaching, administer and mark exercises / mock exams etc and give feedback. The selected tutor will not be required to get involved in non-accounting units.
The tutor will be provided with additional study material. This will help the tutor to identify additional exercise and mock exams that may be required.
Applicants with a valid passport should have an
accounting qualification with good written and oral
communication skills in English. Proven teaching of
accounting is essential. You will be
expected to commit to the project for at least 7 months
and will be remunerated. Additionally economy
return airfares, hotel accommodation & food at the
workshop venue plus all prior approved reasonable
expenses will be paid.
Candidates currently in Full-Time employment are
welcome to apply, but if selected will need to take a
total of about 9 days off work to attend the two
workshops scheduled between February 2010 and July
Please send a current detailed CV and recent photo,
together with a covering letter identifying why you
feel you are suitable for the position. These should be
sent as attachments to
before 28 January 2010.